Fiadh's Metastable Cognitive Vacua

Fee-uh, it's Irish for deer. Plural is Fianna. We're at this point about a baker's dozen mostly vaguely lesbian-shaped things crammed into one painful, dysfunctional body that Ron DeSantis slanders as "male". She, fae, or it pronouns are all reasonably accurate enough for system pronouns and, except where otherwise noted, any of us individually in English.

Also we're batshit insane, psychotic, been involuntarily committed, so have some insane ravings or whatever.

A baker's dozen?

We're plural. Currently 13 of us worth mentioning, which used to be more unstable but we seem to have evened out around here after some growing pains in the years following our selves-awareness. IDK we'll put some actual pages here explaining us when we feel like it.

Creative expression or whatever

If you feel like being bored to tears by our bad writing that, contrary to all the wonderful inclusive queer media we're supposed to adore and celebrate, and contrary to Gay Cultureβ„’, imagines a fantastical world where trans girls are allowed to be girls, not just feminine biological males who identify as transgender, and more generally where people are actually allowed to be what they want to be, not just what they were assigned but oh you can generously behave how you want as what you are, it'll go here.

Can you see these digits? β†Š ↋

If not, your unicode is out of date or your fonts lack turned 2 and 3. These are what we use for dec (10.) and el (11.) in the duodecimal/dozenal number system widely used in our setting we might post stuff from here. We will try to remember to put alternate versions of pages with that using Ξ΄ and Ξ΅ for compatibility, but we find those very common variables used as numbers needlessly ambiguous and confusing.

If you want to play along with our tedious worldbuilding, here is a pint config file for the units we're currently working with in-universe, unfortunately in decimal because we haven't gone as far as building a dozenal number class in Python, we just wrap this in conversion functions for now.

Sometimes we're antisocial on social media

If you care to see us frequently melting down about how nearly 100% of supposed trans allies and well over 80% of other trans people are the same fucking transphobic garbage as JK Rowling behind the shitlib pearl-clutching about manners and decorum and manipulatively telling people whatever we want to hear to be "nice," we're on the ActivityPube fediverse ("Mastodon") as @Fiadh